Ferryfield Playgroup
Duty Rotas
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Duty Rotas
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Duty Rotas are a requirement for all parents/carers of children attending Ferryfield Playgroup.  All Childcare Facilities are required to have a certain number of adults per number of children in order to open- to keep fees at their current low level, parents/carers share out one of the adult roles.  If, for some reason, a parent or carer does not show up, and a last-minute replacement cannot be found, Playgroup is forced to close on that. We are not permitted to run a session unless we have the correct adult/child ratio.  We hope that our current method of running the rota is fair to all parents.


Duty Rota is be made up at the beginning of every semester.  Parents’ names are added to Rota equally.  If you are working or unable to do duty on the day that you have been named then you are responsible for swapping days with another parent or for finding another parent to cover duty for you.  If another parent covers your duty you must pay them £8 directly.  If another parent cannot be found the fee for relief staff of £15 will be paid directly to the Playgroup.


Any parents who are willing to do extra duty for £8 a session should immediately contact the Rota Secretary. Your name and phone number will be added to a list and placed on the notice board so that other parents can contact you directly.


It is the parent or carer's responsibility to arrange cover – either by swapping or paying another parent - if, for any reason, a duty rota cannot be honoured. Staff and Committee members will gladly arrange introductions if they are required.