- The fifth
issue of this academic year's newsletter is now available! Click below to download your copy.
- The AGM took place on June 13th. Minutes of this meeting and reports from the Chair, Admin Manager
and Playleader are available below.
- Like shopping online? Then sign up with www.easyfundraising.org.uk. easyfundraising is a new website where you can help raise funds for Ferryfield by shopping online; it is completely free
to join and there are over 400 brand name retailers to choose from including Next, Amazon, John Lewis, Play.com, ebay, B&Q,
Directline, M&S and many more. Just shop by using the links on the easyfundraising website, and Ferryfield will recieve
a donation of 15% from every purchase made.
- For the flower lovers you know, you can now send flowers online via www.charityflowers.co.uk. 15% of every sale will be donated to Ferryfield when you choose us as your preferred charity.
- The
Friends of Ferryfield Association is a new inititiative aimed at increasing community interest in local services.
Letters inviting parents of former pupils and staff to join the Association for a nominal annual fee have now gone out. Membership
will guarantee that information regarding Ferryfield activities and events will be shared on a regular basis. Please contact
the office for more information.
- The original founder of the playgroup, Isabel Blair and one of the first playleaders, Isobel Waddell, joined
us for a coffee and cake on June 1st.
- The stall at the Cupar Children's Gala not only brought in over £50 with the sale of second hand
toys and goods, but we increased our public profile by being present. Our thanks to the now defunct Toy Library which donated
the majority of the toys we had for sale.
- Ferryfield
took part in the Barnardos Big Toddle on June 8th. The children went around an obstacle course (a minimum
of 5 times) which included tractor riding, slides, climbing frames, crawl tunnels, and a trampoline. The amount we raised
will be announced shortly. Each participating child received a medal and completion sticker, and a fantastic time was had
by all- especially the parents trying to follow the children about!
- End
of Term Ladies' Night is taking place in the Castlehill Theatre Block between 8-11pm on Monday the
25th June. Entry £3 to include tea/coffee and light snacks (BYOB). Quizzes, bingo, and various stalls such
as Phoenix Cards, Sliverline, Virgen Vie, Body Shop and Partlite will be on offer. SHL Beaty Treatment will be available
to provide various treatments such as massage, facials and manicures.An excellent evening of chat, bling and fun is guaranteed!
Keep an eye on the Cupar News section of the Fife Herald for the latest updates- contributions
will be posted regularly.
- Places are still available for Early Risers and Lunch Club. Please phone the
Office for details, or complete and return the application form found on the fees page. We are also acceptin
applications for the next academic year starting in August 2008.
Constitution June 2007
Committee Roles 2007
Minutes of AGM June 13th 2007
Chair's Report AGM June 13th 2007
Manager's Report AGM June 13th 2007
Playleader's Report AGM June 13th 2007
News & Events Archive
Download: Newsletter Autumn 2006, Issue 1 (pdf format)
Download: Newsletter Winter 2006, Issue 2
Download: Newsletter Winter 2007, Issue 3
Download: Newsletter Spring 2007, Issue 4 (pdf file)
Download: Newsletter Summer 2007, Issue 5 (pdf file)